Home > im becoming a vegetarian (again)

im becoming a vegetarian (again)

July 16th, 2008 at 06:47 am

I have been thinking long and hard about this decision. I guess I should explain:
I was raised as a vegetarian. My father has been a vegetarian for decades, and while my father and mother were together, my mother was too. I knew what meat was, I was allowed to eat it if I so wanted, but the thing was I didn't want to. I couldn't think of anything less appealing than dead animal flesh. When I was about 6, I was tricked into eating meat by my mother and her new boyfriend. (they told me what I was eating didn't have meat in it, and I didn't find out until later, when I refused to eat turkey at christmas and they said "for gods sake, you've been eating meat for a year anyway!" - thanks mum). So from then on I had to eat meat. To be honest, I really dislike eating meat, particularly red meat. I've never craved it, nor have I ever gone out of my way to order a steak or something when dining out. I don't mind fish or eggs, and chicken is usually what I go for with most meals, but like I said, I don't like eating meat. I never 'feel' like it.
My father is still a vegetarian, as is his new wife and my sister. As with me, my dad and stepmum have encouraged my little sister to try it if she ever wishes to, but as so far, she has refused.

Getting back to my decision.

One thing that makes it difficult, is I guess my laziness. My boyfriend LOVES meat. He could eat it all day, every day. He also does very physical work, and so I guess one of his justifications is that he needs red meat for all the physical benefits it provides (muscle regeneration and growth, vitamins and nutrients etc).
So here I have a problem, as I cook the dinners each night (and no, this is not a discussion about who should cook, I WANT to cook the dinners - also my boyfriend leaves home at about 6am and gets home at 6pm, seeing as I work shorter hours it's only fair).

But having just come back from a holiday where for three weeks I ate a total of two meals which included meat (from staying at my brothers and then my grandparents), I have realised a) this is a choice I truly do want to make and b) I have felt so much better physically having only eaten a small amount of meat over that period of time.

I just wanted to write about it here as I haven't really told anyone else about my decision yet (except my boyfriend and a friend whom is also a vegetarian). It is also slightly financial because at the moment meat is so expensive, and even though I will be eating more beans, nuts etc, I think in the long run it might work out to be better financially as well.

Don't worry, I'm going for a yearly checkup with my doctor soon and will be informing him of this change and will get them to monitor my iron and b12 levels. Smile

thanks for reading.

5 Responses to “im becoming a vegetarian (again)”

  1. pjmama Says:

    Though meat is pretty expensive, all the vegetarians I've talked to said that it's fairly expensive to be a vegetarian. I've been considering it myself lately-- more because I cant stand the thought of the growth hormones and antibiotics they pump into animals. But my BF also is a meat eater (though he prefers chicken usually to anything else). I may just bite the bullet and start getting organic free range chicken. Also expensive, but we can always cut our meat eating down to the bare minimum too Smile I dont eat very much to begin with.

    Good luck! Keep us updated on how it goes!

  2. gamecock43 Says:

    Good for you! I have been a vegetarian for years and its a small hassle for a lifestyle I find peace in.
    1. my fiance is a HUGE carnivore. I took the stand that he's allowed to eat meat if he chooses but I will not cook or touch it. Sometimes I buy it for him, and it puts me in a very difficult position but I do sometimes.
    2. We have come up against a wall for when I get pregnant. He wants me to eat meat while pregnant, I dont see that happening. I think he already knows he will lose that battle.
    3. Eating is cheaper as a vegetarian! But in resteraunts I always order plates that have meat in them, and ask for it meatless, and they charge the same price!!! I get so annoyed, but decided not to fight every resteraunt in America.
    4. I have never been sick except an occasional cold. Like oncea year. So there are no health problems with forgoing meat. At least for me. And I am bad. I dont take vitamins, or balance out my food to get the proper nutrition.
    5. If you worry about inconviencing friends, family who cook for you, I find that in my fiances big ITALIAN family, I am an anomaly that everyone loves accomodating. "dear, is there something here you can eat?" "You know, I made meatless lasagna just for YOU!" "ohhh...she's the vegetarian, stop talking about how good the chicken is." hahaha...they think- I'm not sure what they think- but it's amusing.

    Going vegetarian is great since its something you have been internally fighting with. I hope you find peace and make a smooth transition. I'm sure you will.
    PS. I became a veg after being a meat eater, for a year I THOUGHT I still liked the taste of meat because the smells were yummy...but then I ate a piece and it was so gross in my mouth. That killed any desire to eat meat ever again. So I would think you will have an easy transition being that you already dont like meat.

  3. gamecock43 Says:

    And you have given me hope for my kids. I want to give my kids the option to eat meat if they choose, but I REALLY hope they choose not to eat it. Knowing that your parents were vegetarian and you and your sister are, I am very happy.

  4. koppur Says:

    My sis is a vegetrian and her hubby a meat-loving Texan. She has found some great ways to make meals that include meat for him and non for her. She does a lot of non-meat dishes and then adds a porkchop, piece of steak, etc to his plate. Good luck!

  5. greengirl Says:

    pjmama: i've always bought organic free range meat anyway, so for me it definately will be cheaper, as our meat spending was arounf $20-$30 per week.
    gamecock43: i am a little different, meat doesnt bother me that much that i won't touch or buy it. i know its there, it's a part of the world, and i've eaten it before. i just don't like to eat it, the same way as some people might not like broccoli Smile (i LOVE broccoli, btw). that is my main reason for not eating it, and the other reasons come second. Smile i am glad i gave you hope for when you have kids XD
    koppur: that's my plan down to a T (bone)!!! Big Grin

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