Home > upping the savings

upping the savings

July 23rd, 2008 at 04:14 am

New Savings Deduction Amounts:

Emergency Fund: $20 weekly
(current balance: $64.82 goal: $1200 amount left to go: $1135.18)

Gifts/Holiday Account: $15 weekly
(current balance: $113.84 goal: $500 amount left to go: $386.16)

Uni/House Fund: $50 weekly
(current balance: $525.15 goal: $10000 amount left to go: $9474.85

Bills Account: $60 weekly
(current balance: $212.57)

Loan Repayment: $37 weekly
Extra Loan Repayment: $40+ weekly
(current balance: $4153.24-)

gosh, isn't it funny how direct debits seem to take over your money (and life) and suddenly there is none left? it's a bit overwhelming sometimes!

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