Home > fell off the wagon...then it ran me over...

fell off the wagon...then it ran me over...

August 11th, 2008 at 07:58 am

so to speak...

well, my 'entertainment' budget seems to have burst at the seams last week. i would love to stick my head in the sand and pretend i didn't spend the money, but i thought if i get it out now it will help me deal with it at the end of the month!!!

So this was my blow-out for last week:
CD: Portisheads new album Third ($19.95)
CD: Becks new album Modern Guilt ($24.95)
DVD: 1st Series of X files on eBay ($37.98)
plus some other purchases here and there. They were my main ones. Normally it wouldn't matter if it was one of those purchases in a month, but this was THREE in ONE WEEK. argh.
so many new albums from bands i love. i mean, how culd i possibly resist???

2 Responses to “fell off the wagon...then it ran me over...”

  1. gamecock43 Says:

    I've had a tough week too. I think spending comes in waves, maybe you will catch up over the month. Plus CD's- they pay for themselves since you listen to them 10 million times.

  2. spendinginsocal Says:

    I agree if it's something that you are really going to use and enjoy, and you can still afford, then go for it once in a while. I just spent $50 on materials to make this wire jewelry... probably should have put it toward groceries instead, but it's therapeutic and relaxing so I'm ok with it. (well, sort of)

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