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I went to the Hare Krishna Janmastami last night!

August 30th, 2008 at 10:09 pm

Last night with a friend I went to the local Hare Krishna Janmastami (Festival of Life).
My friend, lets call her T, joined the Hare Krishna movement for two years. (she has joined many things, i think the poor girl just wants to find herself) however, I thought it was very enjoyable and I had a lot of fun.
Let me explain some things: I've never been religious, and I don't think I ever will be. But the subject interests me to no end. I really find it fascinating the different perceptions and beliefs people have, and the sacrifices they make, the commitment etc.
I love to watch.
I went to a Christian youth group for about a year, they held it every Saturday, and it was one of those rock ones, very un-traditional (well, what I thought anyway). The pastor was about 28, he would tell stories of times he was exposed to drugs and alcohol etc. He really got on a level with the majority of the audience.
I've been to traditonal Catholic and Christian church mornings as well.
To be honest I enjoyed the Hare Krishna gathering about a hundred times more than I enjoyed any of the others. They never forced their beliefs on you; they explained them, they showed films on one of the founders of the movement in America in the late 60's, (i think his name was Srila Probhupada) they sung, they showed examples of yoga, traditional dance, stories etc. It was welcoming, but not at all forceful and it didn't feel like they were 'recruiting' anyone.
At the end, before our meal, they did the famous 'circle' dance. While I'd already told T I didn't want to, she dragged me in, and I am sort of glad I did. I need to get out of my comfort zone sometimes, I am really bad at just standing on the sidelines, wishing I could join in, but feeling too weird.
They didn't ask for donations, although they provided to the entire gathering rice, several curries, salad, ginger tea, and dessert. I had to find the donation box, actually I had to ASK them where it was.
The guy selling Hare Krishna and Indian wares said 'you don't have to give, but if you choose to, you can give what you think your experience was worth'.
I had already decided that I would donate $20. I only had two $20 notes in my wallet, and $20 is what I would normally pay for a meal - I had decided this $20 donation when I was getting ready at home. But I felt a little weird when T and N put some coins in the donation box, so I had to fold up the note so it looked like only a $10. I don't know why I did that really, I just felt weird. Is that weird? I guess it's one of those things, your value of money over someone else's value of money.

Overall, it was a very fun and interesting night. Their talks and films have made me think about some things. While of course, I'm not going to join the movement, it's an interesting concept to consider.

5 Responses to “I went to the Hare Krishna Janmastami last night!”

  1. seven of seven Says:

    I am the first to admit I love to save money. But, when it comes to tipping, I usually give over 20%. It is important to me to tip well for people who are making minimum wage. I would have donated $20 as well. Not sure why your friends would have only donated some coins.

  2. toyguy1963 Says:

    I'm like you in a couple of ways. I too tend to want to join in but kind of hide off to the side.
    I also am not religious in any way but am interested in
    other beliefs. I really want to join in on some wiccan activities but they weren't as welcoming as I had
    expected them to be. I never even thought of going to a Hare Krishna event. I don't think there is even anything like like near where I live. But it sounds very interesting.
    On the donation you made I think you were very generous.
    I probably would have left around 2 dollars if it were me. But it seems like they were happy with whatever you would have given. And as long as you had a good time and had the funds available you did great.

  3. greengirl Says:

    thanks Smile
    they provided me with dinner, (which was delicious) of which i know would have cost around the same amount as i donated.

  4. Broken Arrow Says:

    They're still around? Very fascinating. Glad you had a good time. Makes me curious what they're like in real life now. Taken any pictures?

  5. greengirl Says:

    BA: no, didn't take any pictures.
    there is a large following where i live, actually in australia in many areas there are large followings. there are a few restaurants that are run by hare krishnas that i know of, and they give greatly to the community through the proceeds of the their restuarants (run entirely non-profit - which is another reason i donated).
    i actually saw someone i knew there, which was surprising. there were people of many ages as well, young families and even some very old pensioners who were really getting into it as well! it was really interesting to see. i guess people like it because it's inviting and welcoming, and like i said, there is no pressure.
    the people who did most of the performances were just normal people. one woman, who did some dancing and the yoga demonstration, was actually a nurse at the local hospital! there was a teacher from my high school... anyway. Smile

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