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it's my birthday today!

September 2nd, 2008 at 01:22 am

I am now officially 21.

A nice birthday surprise: today in the mail I got my $30 cheque from Emailcash, so I deposited it straight away.

My dad gave me $259 to buy myself a coffee machine - he researched the prices for me for my area and found the cheapest deal, and because he lives two hours on a plane away (so, like 2000km away) he put the money into my bank for me to get it, because he didn't want it wrecked in the mail. I went and bought it on Saturday, so I could have a coffee on my brand new machine this morning! Smile

I don't know what BF has got me yet. I have dropped some hints, so we'll see.

My mum made me a painting (she's an artist), and her partner is paying for dinner tonight - a quiet one at home because of my mum's 'behaviour' last week - i point-blank refused to go anywhere expensive.

No doubt at work my boss will get me to make my own cake - haha (he did that last year).

Even though I think they're ridiculously overpriced, my friend and work-colleague T insists that I should own a pair of Havaiina thongs, so i think she may be getting me a pair of those. I mean, of course a gift is a gift, and I appreciate anything, and I think it's wonderful that she would think to buy me a present, but $25 for a pair of thongs???(flipflops is what i think americans call them...)

My party is in a week and a half so I am guessing I will get something then. Not that I EXPECT anything...

actually, this is sort of lame, but I DO actually expect something.

The only reason is, this is the first actual birthday party I have had where a lot of friends come, even though I have been hanging out with most of them for 5 years. This is basically the first thing I've ever done for my birthday since I was in high school. Every birthday of BF's friends that comes along, everyone pitches in $10-$25 each for a present for them, so they end up getting something that's between $100-$300 worth... so is it wrong for me to expect just a little something??? Just this one time???

Hmmm what else?

I also got in the mail from my local coffee place a free drink card (no purchase neccessary!).

A couple of days ago from my local surf club I got a card wishing me a happy birthday, and an offer of a free bottle of wine with any meal purchased.

I also got a card in the mail from ANOTHER club I am a member of, the Wallace Bishop Jewellery store, with a $25 voucher to spend in store (no purchase neccessary - the best part? membership was FREE!).

11 Responses to “it's my birthday today!”

  1. compulsive debtor Says:

    Happy Birthday. Should you come to America, you are now of legal drinking age....

  2. shiela Says:

    Hey Happy 21st Greengirl!
    Have a great day.

  3. toyguy1963 Says:

    Happy Birthday.

  4. Broken Arrow Says:

    Hey hey! Happy birthday and congrats for the big 21!

  5. Amber Says:

    Happy BIrthday Big Grin

  6. mom-from-missouri Says:

    Happy Birthday!

  7. onesexylady Says:

    Happy Birthday Lady!! I hope you enjoy your day and reach and obtain all of your financial goals.

  8. Blue Eyes Says:

    Happy 21st Birthday!!

  9. go.Xtina Says:

    Happy birthday =D !!

  10. fruitbowlk Says:

    Happy Birthday Hun.

  11. Nika Says:

    Happy birthday, Greengirl!

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