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payrise - weight loss/gain - bombscare!

September 3rd, 2008 at 01:05 am

My payrise starts today. I am still unaware how much I get at Job #2, because I am not sure if I calculated it correctly on the wageline website, but here's hoping! I could either get $17.71 p/h or $18.47...
But at job #1 I now get $18 per hour, starting today!

In good news, I recently asked BF to put two new holes in my belt because they were just about not keeping my jeans up, and I have just started fastening it on the second-last one. It's a good sign!

On the flipside, BF (and I) have noticed he's getting 'a little thick' around the middle. (well, as thick as a tradesman can be - I would say it's a very small pot belly - he's usually a mass of muscle of lean-ness) I would say it has something to do with oh... sausage rolls for breakfast, two minute noodles for lunch, potato crisps in the afternoon, dinner, then dessert...? I know he works physically hard for the entire day, but me thinks it's getting to a point where he's eating so much (and so much that is BAD!) that he's not burning it off. And that's really saying something! My boy works pretty damn hard. Eh.
He needs to start consistently (key word here) eating salads for lunch like he used to. (once a fortnight doesn't count, especially when it's combined with all the other stuff!)

I got some chocolates and a pepper grinder, more chocolates, some moleskine journals and a handmade bag for my birthday yesterday as well as the other presents i mentioned in my earlier post.

Went to the post office to check the mail for work and post some letters, but I wasn't allowed in because there was a bomb scare! There were police and firetrucks everywhere.

Well that's all my news for now....

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