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accomplished a lot today!

September 7th, 2008 at 04:43 am

I am feeling like I achieved a fair bit today which is good!

We went vege shopping at the markets today and spent approx $50 (including $10 dog food as we are looking after parents pup).

I made a batch of vegetable pasta sauce which made approx 2 nights of dinners (4 meals) and lunch for BF for the next day, packed in separate containers and frozen.

I made a batch of mexican bean stew (good for nachos/tacos/enchiladas etc) approx three nights dinners (6 meals), packed in separate containers and frozen.

I made a silverbeet/spinach/fetta pie and cut it into four and wrapped separately, frozen. It will be good for approx four nights dinners (8 meals) if I add some steamed veges and a side salad.

I also made about 6 of each:
-banana, sultana & coconut muffins
-apple & cinnamon muffins
-mulberry & strawberry muffins

using spelt flour, oats, brown sugar, plain yoghurt and a little water for the mix.

I also made a mango & peach crumble for dessert tonight, which should be enough for tomorrow night as well.

I will be making a thai vege red curry (with chicken for BF) for dinner tonight to have with rice. I was thinking, seeing as I am on a roll with the cooking today, that I will make a bigger batch and freeze half of it for another time as well.

Would you like to know the ironic part of all this? I have enough food in the pantry and fridge to not use a single pre-made dinner until next week! So that's good news. I think I will use them as a sort of 'takeaway' meal one or two nights a week, without actually getting takeaway (and not spending any money!).

On the menu so far for this week:
-pumpkin soup
-homemade pizza
-roast veges (& steak for BF)

So yay for me. I feel like I've done a lot of work today.

Plus, I also vaccuumed the house and cleaned up the kitchen after cooking everything.

1 Responses to “accomplished a lot today!”

  1. fern Says:

    wow, you sure did a lot of cooking.

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