Viewing the 'Budget' Category
September 23rd, 2008 at 03:42 am
Even though I believe I have done well in my spending this month - having spent much less than I have taken in AND saved $100 more this month AND completely cleared the CC's, I still have managed to spend double, nearly TRIPLE of my allocated fun money. What the?!
And I have hardly bought anything really. I bought a season of a TV series at the start of september, I bought a couple of accesories for my birthday party (all under $6 each, total spent $30) , I bought two books (total: $43) and we ate out a couple of times.
I would hardly call that splurging. Infact, for me, that's holding back quite well.
This week I actually AM splurging. And I know it's a splurge. I am going to a day spa with a friend. I've been there twice before and it's gorgeous, and I mentioned it to my friend and she wanted to go, so I suggested we go one day after work.
So I guess my thoughts are, am I splurging every week, or am I just living like a normal person? Should I increase my 'budgetted' fun money, or should I be kicking myself when I spend say, $13 on a vegetarian cookbook, or $30 on a seven-disc, second hand television season on dvd???
After all, I did EARN the money. I guess I have a hard time about this because while I AM saving, and trying to save more (and succeeding! if just a small amount), I really have cut back on a lot of things. Am I setting my expectations too high? Or am I underestimating the costs of things these days?
While I understand that there are truly frugal people out there who would gasp at my spending habits, I need to clarify that I will never, could never, be the type that watches every penny like a hawk. True, I tally all my expenses, but I really believe life is for living.
How much in total do YOU spend per week/month (on average), on the following:
takeaway beverages
takeaway and/or dining out
gym memberships
car washes
hair care & products
professional grooming
chemist stuff
entertainment (ie. dvd's, cable, video rental, movies, memberships, online gaming, admissions etc)
house appliances
electrical goods
These are all the categories that I class under 'Fun'.
Currently I am spending on average $84.81 per week on 'Fun'.
(btw: I personally do not have cable or gym membership, online gaming or pay for car washes - but if I did I would class them in the Fun category)
Posted in
+living it up+
September 1st, 2008 at 10:00 pm
Income: $2041.50 ($510.38 p/w)
Job 1: $695.00 ($173.75 p/w)
Job 2: $1219.50 ($304.88)
Other: $127.00 ($31.75 p/w)
Deducted from Savings:
Gifts: $50
Holidays: $150
Bills: $142.69
Total: $342.69
Expenses: $2113.43
Rent: $506.68 ($126.67 p/w)
Groceries: $219.71 ($54.93 p/w)
Petrol: $113.13 ($28.28 p/w)
Phone & Internet: $26.69 ($6.67 p/w)
Loan Repayment: $148.00 ($37 p/w)
Extra Loan Repayments: $80.00 ($20 p/w)
Skincare: $29.95 ($7.49 p/w)
Mobile Phone: $30 ($7.50 p/w)
Misc: $5
Health & Beauty: $36.50 ($9.13 p/w)
Gifts: $60
Bank Fees: $7
Alcohol: $56.50 ($14.13 p/w)
Takaway Beverages: $90.32 ($22.58 p/w)
Takeaway/Dining Out: $239.40 ($59.85 p/w)
Magazines & Books: $13.50
Clothes & Shoes: $83.65 ($20.91 p/w)
Makeup: $21.95
Entertainment: $213.45 ($53.36 p/w)
Staff Lotto: $8 ($2 p/w)
House: $8.00
Car Service: $116.00
Savings: $220 ($55 p/w)
Income: $2041.50
+ saved: $342.69
= $2384.19
Less Expenses: $2113.43
Less Savings: $220.00
Remaining: $50.76
This is the first time that I have used my Holiday/Gifts Fund for what it was supposed to be used for, and it actually worked!
And yes, I know, I know, I spent a lot on the 'Fun' categories. In my defense, I had a wedding and a hens night to go to, which meant two whole weekends a couple of hourse drive away from my home. This month will be much better, the only thing I have to spend on in September is stuff for my party, which should cost roughly $100 or a bit more. I am thining I will take what I can out of my holiday account, if I need to.
Posted in
+personal loan+
July 28th, 2008 at 11:21 pm
i have found lately i have been losing motivation to post frequently. i think my finances might be suffering as well because of this, although i really have tried to do well.
my main problem areas are takeaway food and beverages and grocery shopping.
the takeaways i can deal with, as i will work on decreasing the costs. i actually already have been, as the most of the costs are from catching up with a friend and we have begun sharing a meal if we need one, or just having a coffee.
grocery shopping is a tricky one. having spent three weeks with my father and that side of the family, where they all eat organically and fresh, i have sort of turned over a new leaf and begun buying organic here and there. i am really trying to keep costs down, but i think this is something i want to do, so we'll see how i go. the other reason grocery costs are high is because i haven't had the motivation to do a full shop, and so have been going to the supermarket every couple of days for items, and therefore probably purchasing a few things each time that i don't actually need. 
i'll try and work on that.
lately i just can't bring myself to push a trolley around for over an hour. i know every couple of days the time would add up to over an hour, but i just can't do it at the moment.
does anyone else ever have these days? (or weeks, i should say).
in good news, i am about to update my side profile with my savings and debt amounts. i transferred $700 (my tax refund) into my home loan/uni fund account, which brings the balance to over $1200. woohoo! have reached goal #2 and am closer to #3 every week.
bf and i have been (well, i have mostly, with bf looking over my shoulder now and then) having a look on the internet at some properties so that we know what we can expect to be looking for in a few months time. the prices of units seem to be steady, but have fallen slightly in a year, which is good news for us. there are also a lot more on the market than there was a year ago. houses seem to be out of the question at the moment, the cheapest at $450 000 and most ranging from $500 000 - $800 000 for a 3-4 bedroom slab house.
it's been a bit tricky sometimes with cooking meals, BF eating meat and I not, but overall it hasn't changed our routine that much. i am planning on buying a heap of small steaks or cutlets to freeze individually. this will give me a bit more freedom as i can cook him a cutlet and add it to whatever i am cooking.
eating out is tough, i have discovovered. i guess i am normally used to eating in restaurants that do have a wide range for vegetarians, whereas lately we seem to be going to places like pubs and clubs, which usually only offer one vegetarian meal. so i'm going to have to do some research and find some good places to eat around here! sooner or later i am going to get sick of raviolli and nachos...!
Posted in
July 14th, 2008 at 09:07 am
from my holidays in victoria! hello everyone, i am ready to start getting into frugal mode again.
i have to say though, my holiday expenditure went *exceptionally* well.
I spent, in three weeks, $381.40 on food, transport, beverages, entertainment and clothes.

(this is not including my normal expenses at home ie. bills, rent and loan).
I am so very pleased with myself.
We have a wedding to go to in 6 weeks, which we just got the invitation to, so I will be using some left over money from my holidays to buy a dress and shoes.
Posted in
June 8th, 2008 at 10:30 am
Short Term:
- Track my loan payment progress in $250 goal increments
- Track all expenditure and endeavour to stick to or under my budget.
- Get my car serviced.
- Completely pay off all cc balances.
- Start my $20 challenge
- Start transfering money to my cc as soon as I make the purchase, so I don't get a nasty shock at the end of the month.
- Eat less meat and make my boyfriend enjoy meatless meals more.
- Start cooking healthy meals and then freezing them in bulk lots.
- Exercise 6 days a week.
- Make an appointment with my parents' naturopath/homeopath
Long Term:
- Completely pay off my loan.
- Reach my target amount for my Emergency Fund ($1200).
- Maintain a gifts/holidays account where money is drawn out of for days off & gifts purchased for others.
- Save a lump sum for university (current goal: $10 000) by January 2010.
Posted in
+on credit+,
+personal loan+
June 8th, 2008 at 09:24 am
last edited: 8th June 2008
Weekly Income:
Job1: $175.00
Job2: $315.50
Other: $30.00
Weekly Expenses:
Rent: $130.00 per week
Groceries: $50.00 per week
Loan: $37.00 per week
Petrol: $25.00 per week
Bills: $60.00 saved per week
(Phone & Internet: $7 (approx $30 per month)
RACQ: $1.20 ($62 per year)
Car Insurance: $7.60 ($395 per year)
Car Registration: $11.10 ($577 per year)
Car Repairs: $20.00
Electricity: $7.00 (approx $90 per quarter)
Total: $53.90)
Skincare: $8.15
Mobile Phone: $3.75 ($15 per month)
Bank Fees: $2 per week
Fun: $55.00
EF: $20 per week
House Deposit/Uni Fund: $20 per week
Holiday/Gifts Fund: $70 per week
Total IN: $520.50
Total OUT: $370.90
Total Saved: $90
Left Over: approx $60
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